ДомойПолитикаВ Раде собрали подписи для запуска спецпроцедуры по рассмотрению законопроекта о медицинском...

В Раде собрали подписи для запуска спецпроцедуры по рассмотрению законопроекта о медицинском каннабисе – нардеп

On 8 December 2020, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine gathered the votes necessary to launch a special procedure for consideration of bill number 7457 on medical cannabis for the second reading. This was announced by the deputy from the «Golos» faction, Yaroslav Zheleznyak, on his Telegram channel.

The bill is aimed at legalizing medical cannabis in Ukraine. It provides for the possibility of its use for medical purposes, as well as the creation of a system for its production and distribution. The bill also provides for the creation of a special commission to monitor the implementation of the law.

The bill is supported by a large number of public organizations and medical professionals. They believe that the legalization of medical cannabis will help to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from serious illnesses. It will also help to reduce the number of deaths due to the use of drugs of unknown quality on the black market.

The bill has already passed the first reading in the Verkhovna Rada. Now, the second reading is underway. If the bill is passed, Ukraine will become one of the few countries in the world to legalize medical cannabis. This will be a major step forward in the fight against drug addiction and the spread of illegal drugs.

The legalization of medical cannabis will also be beneficial for the economy. It will create new jobs and open up new markets for Ukrainian businesses. In addition, it will help to reduce the cost of medical treatment for patients with serious illnesses.

The bill is a major step forward in the fight for the rights of patients in Ukraine. It will provide them with access to a safe and effective form of treatment. It is expected that the bill will be passed and will soon become law. This will be a major victory for the Ukrainian people and a major step forward in the fight for the rights of patients.

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