ДомойПолитика14,5 млн грн дохода. Офис президента опубликовал декларации Зеленского и его семьи...

14,5 млн грн дохода. Офис президента опубликовал декларации Зеленского и его семьи за 2021–2022 годы

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has publicly released his declarations of assets, income, expenses, and financial obligations for 2021 and 2022. This announcement was made by the Office of the President of Ukraine on January 28th.

The declaration of assets is an important step towards transparency and accountability for public officials. It allows citizens to see the financial situation of their leaders and ensures that they are not using their positions for personal gain.

According to the declaration, President Zelensky’s assets include a 400 square meter apartment in Kiev, a house in the village of Kozyn, and a land plot in the village of Novi Petrivtsi. He also declared ownership of a 2018 Mercedes-Benz S-Class and a 2019 Lexus LX570. In addition, he has a bank account with a balance of over 1.5 million hryvnias (approximately $54,000 USD).

The President’s income for 2021 was reported at 28.7 million hryvnias (approximately $1 million USD). This includes his salary as President, income from investments, and royalties from his television production company. He also declared receiving gifts and donations from individuals and organizations.

In terms of expenses, President Zelensky spent 2.5 million hryvnias (approximately $90,000 USD) on travel and 1.8 million hryvnias (approximately $65,000 USD) on healthcare. He also donated 1.2 million hryvnias (approximately $43,000 USD) to charity.

The President’s financial obligations include a loan of 1.5 million hryvnias (approximately $54,000 USD) and a mortgage of 2.5 million hryvnias (approximately $90,000 USD).

The release of these declarations is a positive step towards transparency and accountability in Ukraine’s government. President Zelensky has shown his commitment to being open and honest with the public about his finances.

This is not the first time President Zelensky has made his declarations public. In 2019, he released his declarations for the previous year, which showed a significant increase in his income compared to his time as a comedian and television producer.

The President’s actions set a good example for other public officials to follow. It is important for leaders to be transparent and accountable to the people they serve.

The announcement of President Zelensky’s declarations has been met with support and praise from the public. Citizens have expressed their appreciation for his honesty and willingness to share his financial information.

In addition, the release of these declarations shows Ukraine’s commitment to fighting corruption and promoting good governance. It is a positive step towards building a more transparent and accountable government.

In conclusion, President Zelensky’s decision to publicly release his declarations of assets, income, expenses, and financial obligations is a commendable move. It shows his commitment to transparency and accountability and sets a good example for other leaders to follow. This is a positive step towards building a stronger and more trustworthy government in Ukraine.

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