ДомойПолитикаПорошенко призвал власти Германии не платить пособия украинским мужчинам

Порошенко призвал власти Германии не платить пособия украинским мужчинам

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has called on the German authorities not to financially support Ukrainian men of draft age who have left the country. This statement was made on May 8th and reported by DW.

According to Poroshenko, the Ukrainian government is facing a serious problem with young men leaving the country to avoid military service. He believes that Germany, as a close ally and partner of Ukraine, should not provide financial assistance to these individuals.

The issue of draft evasion has been a long-standing problem in Ukraine, especially since the outbreak of the conflict in the eastern region of the country in 2014. The Ukrainian government has been struggling to fill its military ranks with enough soldiers to defend the country against Russian-backed separatists.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of young men leaving Ukraine in search of better economic opportunities abroad. Many of them are of draft age and see leaving the country as a way to avoid being conscripted into the military.

President Poroshenko’s call to Germany comes at a time when the country is facing a critical moment in its history. With ongoing tensions with Russia and the ongoing conflict in the east, Ukraine needs all the support it can get from its allies.

Germany has been a strong supporter of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity since the beginning of the conflict. The country has provided financial aid and political support to Ukraine, and has also been a key player in the negotiations for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

However, Poroshenko’s call for Germany to not support Ukrainian draft evaders has sparked some controversy. Some argue that it is not fair to punish these young men for wanting to improve their lives and escape the difficult economic situation in Ukraine.

On the other hand, others believe that it is the responsibility of every citizen to serve their country in times of need. By evading the draft, these young men are shirking their duty to their country and potentially putting their fellow citizens at risk.

Despite the differing opinions, it is clear that President Poroshenko’s call for Germany to not support Ukrainian draft evaders is a plea for solidarity and support from a key ally. It is a reminder that Ukraine is still in a state of war and needs all the help it can get to defend its sovereignty and protect its citizens.

In conclusion, President Poroshenko’s statement serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle that Ukraine faces in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is a call for unity and support from its allies, and a plea for young men to fulfill their duty to their country. As Ukraine continues to face challenges, it is crucial for its allies to stand by its side and provide the necessary support to overcome these obstacles.

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