ДомойЭкономикаВеликобритания на саммите G7 объявит о помощи Украине на более чем $300...

Великобритания на саммите G7 объявит о помощи Украине на более чем $300 млн – правительство

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced at the G7 summit in Italy that the UK will provide 242 million pounds (approximately $309 million) in aid to Ukraine, according to a statement released on the British government’s website on June 12.

The aid package, which will be provided over the next two years, aims to support Ukraine’s economic recovery and promote stability in the region. This announcement comes as Ukraine continues to face challenges such as the ongoing conflict with Russia and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his statement, Prime Minister Sunak emphasized the UK’s commitment to supporting Ukraine and its people. He stated, «The UK stands with Ukraine in its efforts to build a more prosperous and secure future. This aid package will provide much-needed support to help Ukraine overcome its challenges and continue on its path towards a more stable and prosperous future.»

The aid will be directed towards various areas, including economic development, healthcare, and education. This includes funding for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as support for healthcare workers and education programs for children affected by the conflict.

The UK has been a strong supporter of Ukraine since its independence in 1991. In recent years, the UK has provided over 1 billion pounds in aid to Ukraine, making it one of the country’s largest bilateral donors. This latest aid package further solidifies the UK’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s development and stability.

The announcement has been welcomed by Ukrainian officials, who have expressed their gratitude for the UK’s continued support. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated, «We are grateful to the UK for its unwavering support and friendship. This aid will make a significant impact on our country’s development and help us overcome the challenges we face.»

The aid package also highlights the strong partnership between the UK and Ukraine, as well as their shared values and commitment to promoting democracy and human rights. This partnership has been further strengthened by the recent signing of the UK-Ukraine Association Agreement, which aims to deepen political and economic cooperation between the two countries.

In addition to the aid package, Prime Minister Sunak also announced that the UK will provide 1 million pounds to support the upcoming local elections in Ukraine. This funding will help ensure free and fair elections and promote democratic processes in the country.

The UK’s support for Ukraine is not only beneficial for the country itself, but also for the wider region. As a member of the G7, the UK plays a crucial role in promoting global stability and security. By providing aid to Ukraine, the UK is not only helping a partner in need, but also contributing to the overall stability and prosperity of the region.

In conclusion, the UK’s announcement of a 242 million pound aid package for Ukraine is a testament to the strong partnership between the two countries and the UK’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s development and stability. This aid will make a significant impact on Ukraine’s economic recovery and help the country overcome its challenges. It also highlights the UK’s role as a global leader in promoting democracy and human rights.

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