ДомойЭкономикаПромышленники призвали Шмыгаля не увеличивать нормативы импорта электроэнергии во избежание остановки предприятий

Промышленники призвали Шмыгаля не увеличивать нормативы импорта электроэнергии во избежание остановки предприятий

The Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) has recently appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to review and cancel Resolution №611, which was issued on May 30, 2024. This resolution obliges industrial consumers to import at least 80% of their electricity in order to be exempt from planned consumption restrictions. The FEU is requesting a return to the previous version of the regulation on the features of electricity import during a state of emergency, where the norms were set at 30% from May to September and 50% from October to April.

The FEU, which represents the interests of employers and businesses in Ukraine, argues that this resolution has had a negative impact on the country’s economy and is hindering the growth and development of businesses. They believe that the high import requirements for electricity are causing financial strain on industrial consumers and are leading to job losses and a decline in production.

The FEU has been raising concerns about this resolution since its implementation in 2024. They have repeatedly stated that it goes against the interests of the Ukrainian business community and is not in line with the current economic situation. The FEU insists that the high import requirements for electricity make it difficult for businesses to stay competitive in the market and are limiting their ability to expand and create new jobs.

According to the FEU, during a state of emergency, it is necessary to provide businesses with certain benefits and incentives in order to keep the economy afloat. They argue that the previous norm of 30% for the summer months and 50% for the winter months was a reasonable and practical solution. It allowed businesses to have a certain level of autonomy and control over their electricity consumption, while also promoting energy efficiency and cost savings.

The FEU has also expressed concerns about the negative impact of this resolution on the country’s energy security. By relying heavily on imported electricity, Ukraine is becoming increasingly vulnerable to fluctuations in the global market and geopolitical tensions. The FEU believes that it is crucial for Ukraine to have a diverse and self-sufficient energy sector in order to ensure stability and sustainability for its economy.

In light of these concerns, the FEU is calling for a review and amendment of Resolution №611. They are urging the government to consider the interests of the business community and the overall impact on the economy. The FEU is also proposing a gradual approach, where the import requirements for electricity will be gradually increased over time, taking into account the current economic situation and the country’s energy security.

It is not only the FEU that is raising concerns about this resolution. Many experts and analysts have also pointed out its negative consequences for the country’s economy. They argue that the high import requirements are discouraging investment and hindering the growth of domestic production. Moreover, they believe that it is crucial for Ukraine to prioritize its own energy resources in order to reduce its dependence on imports and boost its economy.

In conclusion, it is clear that the FEU’s request to review and cancel Resolution №611 is justified and necessary for the economic well-being of Ukraine. The current import requirements for electricity are causing more harm than good and are not in line with the country’s long-term goals and interests. It is crucial for the government to listen to the concerns of the business community and make the necessary changes to support the growth and development of the country’s economy.

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