ДомойЭкономикаКабмин создал два индустриальных парка – в Закарпатской и Черкасской областях. В...

Кабмин создал два индустриальных парка – в Закарпатской и Черкасской областях. В Украине их уже 81

On May 30, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the inclusion of two industrial parks, «Tiachiv» in Zakarpattia region and «Smela» in Cherkasy region, into the state register. This decision was announced by the press center of the Ministry of Economy.

The inclusion of these two industrial parks in the state register is a significant step towards the development of Ukraine’s industrial sector. The «Tiachiv» industrial park, located in the picturesque Carpathian region, will focus on the production of wood and furniture, as well as the processing of agricultural products. Meanwhile, the «Smela» industrial park, situated in the heart of Ukraine, will specialize in the production of machinery and equipment, as well as the processing of metal and agricultural products.

The establishment of these industrial parks is expected to attract both domestic and foreign investments, create new jobs, and boost the economic growth of the respective regions. This move is in line with the government’s efforts to promote the development of the country’s industrial sector and increase its competitiveness on the global market.

The «Tiachiv» and «Smela» industrial parks have already received significant interest from potential investors, including companies from Germany, Turkey, and China. The availability of modern infrastructure, tax incentives, and simplified administrative procedures make these industrial parks an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand their operations in Ukraine.

In addition to creating new jobs and attracting investments, the establishment of these industrial parks will also have a positive impact on the local communities. The development of the industrial sector will lead to the growth of related industries, such as transportation, logistics, and services, providing additional employment opportunities and improving the overall standard of living in the regions.

The inclusion of the «Tiachiv» and «Smela» industrial parks in the state register is a result of the joint efforts of the Ministry of Economy, local authorities, and business communities. This collaboration demonstrates the commitment of the Ukrainian government to create a favorable business environment and promote economic development in all regions of the country.

The government’s decision to include these two industrial parks in the state register has been met with enthusiasm and optimism from both the business community and the general public. It is a clear indication of the country’s potential for economic growth and its determination to become a major player in the global market.

In conclusion, the inclusion of the «Tiachiv» and «Smela» industrial parks in the state register is a significant step towards the development of Ukraine’s industrial sector. This move will not only attract investments and create new jobs but also contribute to the overall economic growth and development of the country. The government’s commitment to promoting the industrial sector and creating a favorable business environment is a positive sign for the future of Ukraine’s economy.

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