ДомойЭкономикаСкандал вокруг денег на восстановление "Охматдета": что известно

Скандал вокруг денег на восстановление «Охматдета»: что известно

The winner of the competition for the reconstruction of the national children’s hospital «Okhmatdyt» in Kyiv has proposed a price that far exceeds the market value. This was reported in an investigative article published on August 1st by the Ukrainian media outlet «Nashi Groshi».

According to the article, the winning bid for the reconstruction project was submitted by a construction company called «MegaBuild». Their proposed price for the project was 1.5 billion hryvnias (approximately 55 million USD), which is significantly higher than the estimated market value of the project, which is around 800 million hryvnias (approximately 29 million USD).

The investigation by «Nashi Groshi» revealed that the winning bid was almost twice as high as the second-highest bid, which was submitted by a different company. This raised suspicions about the transparency and fairness of the bidding process.

The article also highlighted the fact that «MegaBuild» has no previous experience in large-scale construction projects and has only been registered as a company for less than a year. This has raised concerns about their ability to successfully complete such a complex and important project.

The reconstruction of «Okhmatdyt» is a crucial project for Ukraine, as the hospital is the main medical institution for children in the country. It provides specialized medical care for children with serious illnesses and has been in operation for over 100 years. The hospital is in desperate need of reconstruction, as many of its buildings are outdated and do not meet modern standards.

The article also pointed out that the winning bid was approved by the Ministry of Health, despite the fact that the ministry’s own experts had estimated the market value of the project to be much lower. This has raised questions about the ministry’s involvement in the bidding process and their responsibility for ensuring fair competition.

The high price proposed by «MegaBuild» has also caused concern among the public, as the reconstruction project is being funded by taxpayers’ money. Many are questioning whether the government is making the best use of public funds and whether there could have been a more cost-effective solution for the reconstruction of the hospital.

In response to the article, the Ministry of Health has stated that they are reviewing the bidding process and will take appropriate measures if any violations are found. The ministry also emphasized that the reconstruction of «Okhmatdyt» is a top priority and they are committed to completing the project in a timely and transparent manner.

Despite the controversy surrounding the winning bid, it is important to remember the ultimate goal of this project – to provide better medical care for children in Ukraine. The reconstruction of «Okhmatdyt» will not only improve the physical infrastructure of the hospital but also enhance the quality of healthcare services for children in need.

In conclusion, while the high price proposed by the winning bidder for the reconstruction of «Okhmatdyt» is concerning, it is important to remain optimistic and trust that the government will take the necessary steps to ensure a fair and transparent process. The ultimate goal of this project is to improve the lives of children in Ukraine, and we should all support and encourage efforts to achieve this goal.

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