ДомойЭкономикаРоссия из-за санкций закупила почти 300 кг долларов у Руанды – СМИ

Россия из-за санкций закупила почти 300 кг долларов у Руанды – СМИ

After the tightening of sanctions against Russia, the country has found itself in a difficult situation where it has had to resort to unconventional methods to acquire US dollars. According to a recent report, Russia had to purchase cash dollars from the Ministry of Defense of Rwanda on September 2, as announced by «Verstka» on Telegram.

This move by the Russian government speaks volumes about the impact of international sanctions on the country’s economy. Despite being one of the world’s largest economies, Russia has been struggling to cope with the consequences of the sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union, and other countries.

The latest round of sanctions, which came into effect in August, has put further strain on Russia’s already struggling economy. The sanctions target key sectors of the Russian economy, including energy, banking, and defense. This has made it difficult for the country to access foreign currency and has led to a shortage of US dollars.

To address this issue, the Russian government has turned to unconventional methods, such as purchasing cash dollars from other countries. In this case, Russia has turned to Rwanda, a small country in East Africa, to acquire the much-needed US dollars.

The decision to purchase cash dollars from the Ministry of Defense of Rwanda is an interesting one. It shows that the Russian government is willing to go to great lengths to overcome the challenges posed by the sanctions. It also highlights the close relationship between Russia and Rwanda, which has been growing in recent years.

Rwanda has been making significant strides in its economic development and has been seeking to diversify its sources of revenue. The country’s Ministry of Defense has been actively involved in various business ventures, including the export of military equipment and training services. This has made it a lucrative partner for countries like Russia, who are looking for alternative ways to acquire US dollars.

For Rwanda, the sale of cash dollars to Russia is a win-win situation. It provides the country with much-needed foreign currency and helps strengthen its relationship with a powerful ally. It also helps to diversify the country’s economy and reduce its dependence on traditional sources of revenue.

The Russian government’s decision to purchase cash dollars from Rwanda has been met with mixed reactions. Some see it as a desperate move by a country struggling with the impact of sanctions, while others view it as a smart business decision. Regardless of the opinions, one thing is clear – this move highlights the resilience and determination of the Russian government to overcome the challenges it faces.

In recent years, Russia has been making efforts to strengthen its relationships with African countries. The purchase of cash dollars from Rwanda is just one example of this. The country has been actively seeking to expand its presence in the continent, with a particular focus on economic and military cooperation.

The purchase of cash dollars from Rwanda may also have a positive impact on the country’s economy. It will inject much-needed foreign currency into the market, which could help stabilize the value of the Russian ruble. This, in turn, could help alleviate some of the economic pressures faced by the country.

In conclusion, the decision by the Russian government to purchase cash dollars from the Ministry of Defense of Rwanda is a testament to the impact of international sanctions on the country’s economy. It also highlights the close relationship between Russia and Rwanda and the country’s efforts to diversify its sources of revenue. While this move may have raised some eyebrows, it is a clear demonstration of the resilience and determination of the Russian government to overcome challenges and build stronger partnerships with other countries.

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