ДомойПолитикаРютте ответил, считает ли Россию врагом НАТО

Рютте ответил, считает ли Россию врагом НАТО

The members of NATO will be discussing issues related to the formation of a concept for relations with the aggressor country of Russia at ministerial meetings this year. This was announced by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference before the start of the meeting of defense ministers of NATO countries in Brussels on October 17, according to a video released by the Alliance’s press service.

The discussions at the ministerial meetings will focus on developing a comprehensive approach to dealing with Russia, which has been engaging in aggressive behavior towards its neighboring countries and posing a threat to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region. This approach will include political, economic, and military measures to deter and defend against any potential aggression from Russia.

Stoltenberg stressed that NATO remains committed to dialogue with Russia and is willing to engage in meaningful discussions on issues of mutual concern. However, he also made it clear that NATO will not compromise on its principles and values, and will continue to stand in solidarity with its member countries in the face of any threats.

The decision to discuss relations with Russia at the ministerial meetings comes at a crucial time, as tensions between NATO and Russia have been on the rise in recent years. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its involvement in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine have been major points of contention, and NATO has responded with increased military presence in its eastern member countries as a deterrent.

In addition to discussing relations with Russia, the ministerial meetings will also address other important issues, such as NATO’s role in the fight against terrorism, the defense budget commitments of member countries, and the progress made in the implementation of the decisions made at the NATO Summit in Brussels last year.

Stoltenberg expressed his confidence that these discussions will lead to concrete decisions and actions that will strengthen NATO’s collective defense and protect its member countries from any potential threats. He also emphasized the importance of the NATO-Russia relationship, stating that «a strong and constructive relationship with Russia is important for Euro-Atlantic security.»

The ministerial meetings will also provide an opportunity for member countries to reaffirm their commitment to the alliance and to each other. As the world faces new and complex security challenges, NATO remains a crucial pillar of stability and security for its member countries and the larger international community.

In conclusion, the discussions on relations with Russia at the ministerial meetings of NATO this year are a testament to the alliance’s determination to address the challenges posed by Russia’s aggressive behavior and to strengthen its collective defense. While NATO remains open to dialogue with Russia, it will not compromise on its principles and will continue to stand in solidarity with its member countries. Through cooperation and unity, NATO will continue to ensure the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic region.

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