ДомойЭкономикаКабмин Украины увеличил возраст жилья, которое переселенцы смогут приобрести по программе "єОселя"

Кабмин Украины увеличил возраст жилья, которое переселенцы смогут приобрести по программе «єОселя»

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has recently announced a significant change to the «eOsela» program, which aims to provide affordable housing for internally displaced persons (IDPs). According to the Ministry of Economy, IDPs will now be able to purchase housing up to 10 years old, instead of the previous limit of three years. This decision was made to further support and assist IDPs in their reintegration and resettlement process.

The «eOsela» program was launched in 2016 with the aim of facilitating the purchase of affordable housing for IDPs. It offers preferential loans from the state-owned Oschadbank, with interest rates significantly lower than those on the market. The program has been highly successful, with over 11,000 IDPs taking advantage of it so far. However, the previous limitation of only being able to purchase housing up to three years old has proved to be a barrier for many IDPs.

This change in the age limit of the housing available for purchase through the «eOsela» program is a welcome development for IDPs. It will open up opportunities for them to purchase more suitable and modern housing, rather than being limited to older properties. This will not only improve their living conditions but also give them a sense of stability and belonging in their new communities.

The decision to increase the age limit was based on a thorough analysis of the program’s effectiveness and feedback from IDPs. The Ministry of Economy has been continuously monitoring the program and has noted that the majority of IDPs have expressed a desire for a wider range of housing options. By increasing the age limit, the government is responding to the needs and preferences of IDPs, making the program more attractive and accessible.

This change also aligns with the government’s efforts to promote economic growth and development in the regions hosting IDPs. By expanding the housing market for IDPs, there will be a greater demand for new construction and renovation projects, which will create job opportunities and stimulate economic activity. This will have a positive impact not only on IDPs but also on the local communities where they are resettling.

The decision to increase the age limit of the housing available for purchase through the «eOsela» program is a testament to the government’s commitment to supporting IDPs and ensuring their successful integration into Ukrainian society. It is also a reflection of the progress and stability that the country has achieved in recent years. This change is a step towards a more inclusive and equitable society, where all citizens, regardless of their background, have equal opportunities and access to housing.

In conclusion, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers to increase the age limit of the housing available for purchase through the «eOsela» program is a positive and important development for IDPs in Ukraine. It will provide them with more options and better living conditions, while also contributing to economic growth and social cohesion. This change demonstrates the government’s commitment to supporting IDPs and promoting their reintegration into society. With the «eOsela» program, IDPs have a chance to build a new home and a new future for themselves and their families.

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