ДомойЭкономикаОрбан блокирует кредит Украине на $50 млрд, чтобы угодить Трампу – Politico

Орбан блокирует кредит Украине на $50 млрд, чтобы угодить Трампу – Politico

In a recent move that has caused controversy and raised eyebrows, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has blocked a $50 billion loan to Ukraine, which was intended to be covered by interest from frozen Russian assets in the West. The decision, according to sources, was made in an attempt to please former US President Donald Trump, who is currently running for re-election under the Republican Party. This news was first reported by Politico on October 14th.

The loan, which was proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was meant to help Ukraine’s struggling economy and provide much-needed financial support. However, Orban’s veto has put a halt to these plans, leaving Ukraine in a difficult position.

The move has sparked criticism from both the international community and within Hungary itself. Many see it as a blatant attempt by Orban to gain favor with Trump, who has been known for his close ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This decision also goes against the stance of the European Union, which has been a strong supporter of Ukraine and its efforts to break away from Russian influence.

Orban’s actions have been met with disappointment and frustration from Ukrainian officials, who were counting on the loan to help stabilize their economy. The country has been struggling with economic challenges, including high inflation and a devalued currency, and the loan would have provided much-needed relief.

But why would Orban risk damaging relations with Ukraine and the EU in order to please Trump? Some experts believe that the Hungarian Prime Minister is trying to gain favor with the US President in hopes of securing a better relationship with the United States. Orban has been known for his anti-immigration policies and his strong stance against the EU, which has put him at odds with many European leaders. By aligning himself with Trump, Orban may be hoping to gain support and protection from the US.

However, this decision has not been well-received by the Hungarian public, who have been protesting against Orban’s authoritarian rule and his close ties with Russia. Many see this move as a betrayal of Hungary’s values and interests, and fear that it will only further isolate the country from its European allies.

The IMF has expressed disappointment over Orban’s veto, stating that it is a missed opportunity for Ukraine and a setback for the region’s stability. The loan was seen as a crucial step in Ukraine’s efforts to break away from Russian influence and strengthen its ties with the West.

In conclusion, Orban’s decision to block the loan to Ukraine has caused a stir in the international community and has raised concerns about his motives. While it may have been an attempt to gain favor with Trump, it has also damaged Hungary’s relations with its European allies and has put Ukraine in a difficult position. It remains to be seen how this move will affect the region’s stability and Ukraine’s efforts to break away from Russian influence.

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