ДомойПолитикаFT написала, что Сибига обсуждал в США возможность компромисса для завершения войны....

FT написала, что Сибига обсуждал в США возможность компромисса для завершения войны. В МИД отвергли территориальные уступки

New Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiga did not discuss the possibility of territorial concessions to end the full-scale war started by the aggressor country, Russia, during his meetings in the United States on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. This was announced on October 1 by the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Georgiy Tikhyy, and quoted by the ministry’s Telegram channel.

The new Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Andriy Sybiga, has been making waves since his appointment in August, bringing a fresh perspective and proactive approach to Ukraine’s foreign policy. His recent trip to the United States, where he met with high-level officials on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, was closely watched by many, as it was seen as an opportunity for Ukraine to strengthen its international support in the face of ongoing aggression from Russia.

During his meetings in the US, Minister Sybiga discussed a wide range of issues, including the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine and the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia. However, one topic that was not on the table was the possibility of making territorial concessions to end the war.

This stance was reiterated by the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Georgiy Tikhyy, who stated that Minister Sybiga did not discuss any territorial concessions during his meetings in the US. This strong position sends a clear message to Russia that Ukraine will not back down or compromise on its territorial integrity.

The Ukrainian government has consistently maintained that the conflict in eastern Ukraine is a direct result of Russia’s aggression and has repeatedly called for the withdrawal of Russian troops and weapons from Ukrainian territory. The illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 and the ongoing military support for separatist forces in eastern Ukraine have been major obstacles to finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

In recent years, there have been numerous attempts to negotiate a peace deal, including the Minsk agreements, which were signed in 2014 and 2015. However, these agreements have not been fully implemented, and the fighting continues to this day. Many have criticized the Minsk agreements for being too lenient towards Russia and not providing enough guarantees for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Minister Sybiga’s clear stance on not discussing territorial concessions is a positive sign for Ukraine’s international partners and allies, who have been calling for a united front against Russian aggression. It also shows that Ukraine is committed to finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict through diplomatic means, rather than giving in to pressure or making concessions that could endanger its sovereignty.

The United States, in particular, has been a strong supporter of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and has imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its aggression. During his meetings in the US, Minister Sybiga expressed his gratitude for the US’s unwavering support and discussed ways to further strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries.

In conclusion, Minister Sybiga’s recent trip to the United States has once again reaffirmed Ukraine’s commitment to finding a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine. By not discussing territorial concessions, Ukraine has sent a strong message to Russia that it will not compromise on its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The international community must continue to support Ukraine in its efforts to restore peace and stability to the region.

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