ДомойПолитика"Укргазвидобування" допустило к тендеру подрядчиков "Роснефти" – Корольчук

«Укргазвидобування» допустило к тендеру подрядчиков «Роснефти» – Корольчук

In the recent years, the Ukrainian gas and oil industry has been facing numerous challenges, ranging from political instability to economic difficulties. In this context, the tender for «Ukrgazvydobuvannya» has drawn a lot of attention due to the participation of «Weatherford Ukraine» – a subsidiary of the Irish-American company Weatherford International. The fact that the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) has recognized Weatherford as a sponsor of the war in Ukraine due to its continued operations in Russia and close cooperation with Russian state oil and gas monopolies has sparked controversy and raised questions about the company’s actions.

According to expert Yury Korolchuk from the Institute for Energy Strategies, Weatherford’s participation in the tender raises serious concerns about the company’s commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is well known that Russia has been using its energy sector as a tool for political influence and manipulation, and by collaborating with Russian energy giants, Weatherford is indirectly supporting this agenda. This not only undermines Ukraine’s efforts for independence and energy security but also sends a dangerous message to other international companies operating in Ukraine.

The NAPC’s decision to label Weatherford as a «war sponsor» is a serious accusation, and it is crucial for the company to address these allegations and take corrective actions. The war in Ukraine has caused immense human suffering and economic damage, and any company involved in supporting it must be held accountable. Weatherford has a responsibility towards the Ukrainian people and the international community to ensure that its operations do not contribute to the conflict and adhere to international law and ethical standards.

It is worth noting that Weatherford’s actions not only affect Ukraine but also its own business interests. By continuing to operate in Russia, the company puts itself at risk of facing sanctions and losing its reputation in the global market. In today’s world, where responsible business practices and ethical standards are highly valued, Weatherford’s partnership with Russian energy companies sends a negative message to potential clients and investors.

Despite the controversy surrounding Weatherford’s actions, it is essential to acknowledge the positive contributions the company has made in Ukraine’s gas and oil industry. The company has been operating in the country for more than 25 years, has invested significant resources, and has created job opportunities for thousands of Ukrainians. It is also worth noting that Weatherford has implemented advanced technologies and practices in its operations, contributing to the modernization and efficiency of Ukraine’s energy sector.

However, it is clear that Weatherford’s participation in the tender has overshadowed its positive contributions, and the company must take immediate steps to address the concerns raised by the NAPC and the public. This includes terminating any cooperation with Russian energy companies and publicly stating its commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. By doing so, Weatherford can regain the trust of the Ukrainian people and the international community and continue to play a significant role in the country’s energy sector.

In conclusion, the participation of Weatherford Ukraine in the tender for «Ukrgazvydobuvannya» has sparked controversy and raised questions about the company’s actions. While it is crucial to recognize the positive contributions the company has made in Ukraine’s energy sector, it is also essential for Weatherford to address the allegations of sponsoring the war in Ukraine. By taking corrective actions and publicly reaffirming its commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty, Weatherford can regain the trust of the public and continue to operate successfully in the country.

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