ДомойЭкономикаЕС разморозит €10 млрд финансирования для Венгрии, несмотря на ее антиукраинские заявления...

ЕС разморозит €10 млрд финансирования для Венгрии, несмотря на ее антиукраинские заявления – СМИ

European Commission Plans to Unfreeze €10 Billion for Hungary

On December 12th, the European Commission is planning to unfreeze €10 billion in general financing for Hungary. This news was reported by The Guardian on December 8th, citing sources from amongst diplomats.

The European Commission (EC) is one of the main governing bodies of the European Union (EU). It is responsible for drafting and enforcing EU laws and policies, as well as the budget. The EC is also responsible for approving and enforcing the Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF), which outlines the long-term financial plans of the EU.

In December, the EC announced its intention to unfreeze €10 billion in funding for Hungary. This is part of a larger effort by the European Union to help support the Hungarian economy during these challenging times. The funds will be used to support a number of initiatives, including infrastructure projects, educational programs, and social services.

The funds will also be used to help Hungary meet its budgetary targets in accordance with EU regulations. Furthermore, the EC has proposed the establishment of a special European Investment Bank (EIB) facility to help Hungary finance important projects and investments.

The news of the EC’s intent to unfreeze €10 billion in funding for Hungary has been welcomed by citizens of the country. It is seen as a sign of solidarity from the rest of Europe, which will help Hungary rise to the challenge of the economic crisis.

The news has also been welcomed by the Hungarian government, which has been struggling to maintain a balanced budget in recent years. The government has expressed its gratitude to the European Commission for its support, and is confident that the funds will be used to the benefit of the Hungarian people.

The news of the EC’s promise of €10 billion to Hungary is a major boost for the country, and one which will have a positive impact on its economy. It is a sign that the European Union is committed to supporting its members, and that it is willing to invest in their future. The funds will help Hungary recover from its economic woes and will serve as a reminder of the strength of the European Union.

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